Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

Hope everybody had a fun time watching the Super Bowl with family and friends yesterday. Andee and Bryan came over to our house and watched the game on our brand new 42' 1080p LCD HD TV. Yep, I'm crossing off another to-do item on my 101 in 1,001 days!


  1. Nice! You got a great pic of the tv too.....looks like you guys had fun...

    Now Brian wants a tv like yours....oh

  2. You guys can always move up to MN and live with us!! ;)

    Just tell him we need something to do when it's -40 here...he might decide his TV is just fine.

  3. Wow....looks like you have your very own Jumbo-Tron!!


What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear.