Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My accomplishment for the day...

At the salon today, I was reading an article about...I guess it was about building confidence...or appreciating what you have...or avoiding depression...or getting rid of stress...I guess I don't remember the right topic after all. Anyway, I mention this article because it says that each day you should think about what you accomplished each day, instead of creating to-do lists. The accomplishment list apparently helps with all those things I just mentioned (building confidence, avoiding stress, etc.), where as creating to-do lists tend to create stress because you have more to do. So here's my accomplishment today -- I got my hair highlighted. (I'm sure there's other things...just the usual taking care of the dogs and working....although at work I made great progress on one particular project I've been trying to finish.) Here's a photo of my new highlights! I love them!


  1. Great highlights!

    Good idea, list an accomplishment... I must have been reading your mind, because before I read your post, I posted that I finished a paper ;)

  2. I love your hair!!! I can't wait until I can get mine cut (and maybe colored)....You look awesome!


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