Monday, April 27, 2009

What to do...

This week I'm taking a week of vacation! I haven't had a week off just to stay at home to relax, do a lot of spring cleaning and organizing, hang out with the dogs and Dave since NEVER!

Therefore I'm really exciting and planning on not to let laziness overcome me, so that I accomplish exactly what I've set out to do this week. I'd hate to take a week off at work just to do NOTHING.

Here's some of the stuff I want to accomplish:
  • Spring clean and organize
  • Sell some furniture on ebay
  • Refinish a dresser
  • Help my dad w/ some marketing for his book
  • Go to the dog park
  • Scrapbook
  • Schoolwork
  • Read and relax
If you had a week off with no job responsibilities, what would you want to do?


  1. sleep! haha no, i'd probably spend as much time with my boys as possible just doing whatever and when they were sick of me...scrapbook! have fun!

  2. Hmmm, well in my current "condition" I'd have to say sleep sleep and more sleep. But if I actually had energy, I'd want to go for walks outside (the weather is gor-ge-ous!!), definitely scrapbook, shop (if I had money)...hmm...anything but sit here in a cube! Enjoy your time off :)


What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear.