Saturday, November 28, 2009

This one is just because I'm flying

I'm on my way home right now. In an airplane. Flying. Right now. As I type.

I think this is cool! Our plane has free internet. Oh, it also has free TV that I can watch and change channels in the headset in front of me.

Earlier in the airport, I was watching TV right from my Blackberry.

Isn't all this technology kinda crazy?

We had a great trip down in North Carolina. The highlight being meeting the new niece in the family. She is so adorable!! It was also fun to see the nephews. It'd been almost a year since I've seen them last, so they seemed so much bigger than I remembered. Dave's sisters and brother-in-laws and parents are doing good. Of course, everyone is smitten with Lillian.

Tomorrow I'm having a birthday dinner for my mom at my house with the family coming over. I have to figure out what to make!!



What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear.