I can't tell you who benefited the most -- Tonya or us. All I know, is that I had a great time bonding with all of my co-workers today. I think we're all going through so much together right now -- a co-worker being sick with cancer and a lot of job insecurity. It just did us all really good to just leave our building and go hang out somewhere and talk...about work and all the uncertainty, but also fun stuff, like poop. (Adults with toddlers like to talk a lot about poop.) Of course, there are probably better places to go to hang out than the Cancer Center at Park Nicollet. But then again, it was great to see Tonya and support her and to see that she is doing great with her treatments and to know that she still has the same laugh and sense of humor...even while she's receiving her chemo treatments.
This was her third chemo treatment. Next will be a PET scan (on Sept. 27), which will determine how effective the chemo has been. If the tumor is gone, she'll get to start radiation. If it's still there, then she'll have several more rounds of chemo. We'll just have to keep praying and hope that it'll be a good diagnosis.
What a great thing to do for Tonya....I'm sure she loved the company and it sounds like you guys benefited as well...I'm so glad :)